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Synopsis - Soon after her return from a business trip to Hong Kong, Beth Emhoff dies from what is a flu or some other type of infection. Her young son dies later the same day. Her husband Mitch however seems immune. Thus begins the spread of a deadly infection. For doctors and administrators at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, several days pass before anyone realizes the extent or gravity of this new infection. They must first identify the type of virus in question and then find a means of combating it, a process that will likely take several months. As the contagion spreads to millions of people worldwide, societal order begins to break down as people panic;
User rating - 6,9 of 10;
Country - United Arab Emirates
Download Movie Contagion: The IMAX expérience utilisateur.
This is the most divided comment section i've ever seen.
The ironic part of this song is that the comment section is secretly falling victim to Thought Contagion.
Download movie contagion: the imax experience 3.
I remember watching this in my 8th grade Science class, This movie scared me to the point where I was washing my hands constantly.
Download Movie Contagion: The IMAX experiences. Download movie contagion: the imax experience 2017. Gwenyth Paltrow is such an amazing actress, I swear. She doesnt deserve all of the hate she gets. I want to see this movie a lot. And gravity. Sciency horror. apurture in a nutshell. Download movie contagion: the imax experience movie. Download movie contagion: the imax experience dvd. We offer you the movie Contagion online, which you can watch in good quality hd 720. Watch Contagion WEB-DL movies. With the use of H.264, bit rate savings of 50% or more compared to MPEG-2 Part 2 are reported.
Download Movie Contagion: The IMAX experience on your device. Love this song I'll choose algorithm and thought contagion for the best songs of this album. I love this too damn much. My favourite bit is the glowing gas masks. Ugh, so fucking cool. The entire vibe, the song, the choreo. All together awesome. The introduction of a modern player you can watch online movie Contagion on your phone (Android, iOS) and tablet. Download movie contagion: the imax experience now. I touch my hair 12-13 times a week, and i'm a man. Download Movie Contagion: The IMAX expérience client.
Badass bass, crazy Synths, heavy Drums, and nice vocals, and some conspiranoic lyrics. Isn't it Muse.
Woooooo. no action, no special effect, no heroism, less drama still the movie is wonderful.
this movie is documentary type movie but still it manage to convey the message in very good arting of the movie was not so good but the middle and the climax part was good.
Whole movie was depended on acting and direction and both were movie shows how the smallest thing on the earth was the biggest threat to mankind. And it was produced by living style of the mankind.
climax of the movie is good and logical. this movie is one time watch movie.
An entirely new virus is threatening humanity and the audience finds itself surrounded by not only an enourmous cast of familiar faces but also many talented actors and actresses who did a very good job on this one. It has been quite a while since I really enjoyed one of these virus/epidemic movies and this movie bounces nicely between the United States and Hong Kong (the city/country) where the virus initially occured for the first time. Even though at many points the pace is held slow the movie doesn't get boring and as it shows you the public in panic the director absolutely scored! The film does not scare away to include aspects of politics, the internet's power and basically every character here is potentially vulnerable. The virus could jump to anyone and this alone keeps you highly invested in what is going on at the screen. One of the best films I've seen so far on that topic and totally worth a watch.
I was coughing a lot during my science class and we were watching this movie and now my entire class is paranoid of me...
Their creativity never ceases to amaze me! When I see comments like this is not Muse anymore, all I can think is: Muse is what they want it to be and it's always amazing what they come up with! I just love these masterminds. This band is so fucking awesome, I don't think they could make a bad song if they tried. First I watched this movie with high hopes and to be honest i did not liked it very much,in fact it might have been one of the worse Virus type infectious kind of thing movie I've seen in a long time (not counting SY-SY Chgannel productions) Not even the Stardom used in the cast was enough to make out of this a good movie,it wasn't all bad though,in fact it had great potential but it was absolutely wasted with a slow rate of marking events,the events happened at light speed but none of it actually made an impression on me,except for the death of a vital character in the film! In conclusion,Nothing new came out of this movie,absolutely nothing,we all seen everything that happened in other movies and far better achieved! So my rating for this movie is a 4 but it could have been an 8,if they have only managed to make a connection with the viewer and got in a bit of suspense.
I was forced to watch this during my sophomore year and I wasn't happy since I was 16 at the time and it's a rated R film. These are also movies or TV shows that are downloaded through online distribution sites, such as iTunes. Gwyneth is so good I started hating her when I found out she was cheating. I don't know what to think yet. See you in a week. HEVC was designed with the goal of allowing video content to have a data compression ratio of up to 1000:1. Download movie contagion: the imax experience download. Matty are you okay? Are you okay Matty? Im sorry Matt please dont kill me I had to make the joke and adding the y is the only way it works.
Just watched this movie like 2 minutes ago it was great I've watched it like 3 times already. Download movie contagion: the imax experience 2. You have been hit by my bollocks - Chris.
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